Alternative Sentence Program

Drug offender sentencing alternativePrison based or residential alternative. Drug offender sentencing alternativePrison based or residential alternative. An offender is eligible for the special drug offender sentencing alternative if a The offender is convicted of a felony that is not a violent offense or sex offense and the violation does not involve a sentence enhancement under RCW 9. A. 5. 33 3 or 4 b The offender is convicted of a felony that is not a felony driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug under RCW 4. RCW 4. 6. 6. 1. 5. The offender has no current or prior convictions for a sex offense at any time or violent offense within ten years before conviction of the current offense, in this state, another state, or the United States d For a violation of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act under chapter 6. The only four 4 sentence reduction programs offered by the BOP are the following 1. The 500Hour Residential Drug Abuse Program, RDAP. This program allows the. Alternative Sentence Program' title='Alternative Sentence Program' />RCW or a criminal solicitation to commit such a violation under chapter 9. A. 2. 8 RCW, the offense involved only a small quantity of the particular controlled substance as determined by the judge upon consideration of such factors as the weight, purity, packaging, sale price, and street value of the controlled substance e The offender has not been found by the United States attorney general to be subject to a deportation detainer or order and does not become subject to a deportation order during the period of the sentence f The end of the standard sentence range for the current offense is greater than one year andg The offender has not received a drug offender sentencing alternative more than once in the prior ten years before the current offense. A motion for a special drug offender sentencing alternative may be made by the court, the offender, or the state. If the sentencing court determines that the offender is eligible for an alternative sentence under this section and that the alternative sentence is appropriate, the court shall waive imposition of a sentence within the standard sentence range and impose a sentence consisting of either a prison based alternative under RCW 9. A. 6. 62 or a residential chemical dependency treatment based alternative under RCW 9. A. 6. 64. The residential chemical dependency treatment based alternative is only available if the midpoint of the standard range is twenty four months or less. To assist the court in making its determination, the court may order the department to complete either or both a risk assessment report and a chemical dependency screening report as provided in RCW 9. Voice Computer Program. A. 5. 00. 5a If the court is considering imposing a sentence under the residential chemical dependency treatment based alternative, the court may order an examination of the offender by the department. The examination shall, at a minimum, address the following issues i Whether the offender suffers from drug addiction ii Whether the addiction is such that there is a probability that criminal behavior will occur in the future iii Whether effective treatment for the offenders addiction is available from a provider that has been licensed or certified by the department of social and health services andiv Whether the offender and the community will benefit from the use of the alternative. The examination report must contain i A proposed monitoring plan, including any requirements regarding living conditions, lifestyle requirements, and monitoring by family members and others andii Recommended crime related prohibitions and affirmative conditions. When a court imposes a sentence of community custody under this section a The court may impose conditions as provided in RCW 9. A. 7. 03 and may impose other affirmative conditions as the court considers appropriate. Can alternative energy effectively replace fossil fuels Pros and cons in the debate over alternative energies. Prison sentences and alternatives to prison for defendants convicted of crimes. Alternative SchoolAt Risk Program Networking Meeting Friday, November 17, 2017 DMACC Southridge 1111 East Army Post Road Des Moines, IA 50315 The meeting is open to. Define alternative. English dictionary definition of alternative. One of a number. In addition, an offender may be required to pay thirty dollars per month while on community custody to offset the cost of monitoring for alcohol or controlled substances. The department may impose conditions and sanctions as authorized in RCW 9. Download Software Directx Tweaker Vista on this page. A. 7. 04 and 9. 9. A. 7. 37. 7a The court may bring any offender sentenced under this section back into court at any time on its own initiative to evaluate the offenders progress in treatment or to determine if any violations of the conditions of the sentence have occurred. If the offender is brought back to court, the court may modify the conditions of the community custody or impose sanctions under c of this subsection. The court may order the offender to serve a term of total confinement within the standard range of the offenders current offense at any time during the period of community custody if the offender violates the conditions or requirements of the sentence or if the offender is failing to make satisfactory progress in treatment. An offender ordered to serve a term of total confinement under c of this subsection shall receive credit for any time previously served under this section. In serving a term of community custody imposed upon failure to complete, or administrative termination from, the special drug offender sentencing alternative program, the offender shall receive no credit for time served in community custody prior to termination of the offenders participation in the program. An offender sentenced under this section shall be subject to all rules relating to earned release time with respect to any period served in total confinement. Costs of examinations and preparing treatment plans under a special drug offender sentencing alternative may be paid, at the option of the county, from funds provided to the county from the criminal justice treatment account under RCW 7. Alternative Sentence Program' title='Alternative Sentence Program' />A diversion program in the criminal justice system is a form of sentence in which the criminal offender joins a rehabilitation program, which will help remedy the. NOTES Effective dates2. See note following RCW 7. Short titleRight of action2. See notes following RCW 7. Effective date2. See note following RCW 9. A. 5. 05. Effective date2. Section 2 of this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately May 7, 2. Expiration date2. Section 2 of this act expires August 1, 2. IntentApplicationApplication of repealersEffective date2. See notes following RCW 9. A. 7. 01. Severability2. Ms Access 2007 Free Download Full Version For Windows 7'>Ms Access 2007 Free Download Full Version For Windows 7. See note following RCW 9. A. 5. 00. IntentPart headings not law2. See notes following RCW 7. Effective date2. See note following RCW 4. Application2. 00. This act applies to sentences imposed on or after October 1, 2. Effective date2. This act takes effect October 1, 2. Effective date2. See note following RCW 9. A. 5. 15. Intent2. See note following RCW 9. A. 5. 17. Effective date2. See note following RCW 7. IntentEffective date2. See notes following RCW 9. A. 5. 05. Technical correction bill2. See note following RCW 9.