Delphi Object Inspector

A string list is literally that an object variable that can hold a variable number of strings. We will be using this to hold the contents of our text file. Please note the IDE shortcuts might work on earlier versions of Delphi. Correct the list if you. New Cloud providers added in UniDAC. From Delphi now you can access the most popular cloud services like Salesforce, Netsuite, QuickBooks and many more. TRichView, ScaleRichView, ReportWorkshop, RVMedia Components for Delphi and CBuilder RichEdit replacement, WYSIWYG editing, Video Chats. Embarcadero Delphi 1. Berlin Download. Note You need to request a trial key in order to successfully complete the installation of the product. Embarcadero Delphi is a powerful application builder, allowing users to come up with software compatible with various platforms, including Windows, Android, and i. OS, courtesy of the inclusion of Fire. DAC, high performance Universal Data Access library. The development tool is suitable for users looking to create connected applications that can easily access enterprise data and cloud storage services, while also connecting to wearable devices and sensors. Easily build native applications. Securecrt Crack For Mac. With the help of this software, programmers can develop native programs for Windows and mobile devices from a single codebase, while also being able to update and optimize existing VLC applications in order to deliver better performance. The program allows developers to select the type of application they want to build right from the start, while also allowing them to easily modify code in order to ensure full compatibility with all of the targeted platforms. Enjoy parallel programming capabilities. Embarcadero Delphi allows developers to take advantage of parallel computing capabilities, thus ensuring that their applications work great on a wide range of architectures, including 3. Android and i. OS. The development tool ensures that users only need to build their application once, allowing them to compile code for Android or i. OS with a single click, from a single codebase. Application audit and debugging capabilities. Developers can take advantage of included application audit capabilities, so as to ensure that their newly created applications can offer the expected experience. They can also view information on the applications structure and resources, and can easily modify them. The tool allows developers to review their applications code at all times, while also featuring debugging capabilities, which allows them to ensure that the code is working properly. Developers can also run the newly created or modified application to check on its intended functionality. Fast, reliable operations. VCL_Editor.PNG' alt='Delphi Object Inspector' title='Delphi Object Inspector' />Delphi Object InspectorAll in all, Embarcadero Delphi offers a comprehensive application building environment suitable for creating applications for Windows, Android or i. OS from a single codebase. It includes intuitive tools both creating and auditing applications fast, from the same interface. Default IDE Shortcut Keys Delphi Programming. Shortcut. Selects parent control in design mode. Left mouse click Escape drags the parent control. Delphi 2 and up. After selecting control in form designer, click on it with Shift again to select top most parent Form. Delphi 5 and up. In Object Inspector activates incremental search for properties. Press again Tab to move focus to property value. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke code templates also called code snippets. C13-4610-AD72-67ADBF596FF6/integration-delphi-7-form.gif' alt='Delphi Object Inspector' title='Delphi Object Inspector' />Delphi Object InspectorDelphi 5 and up. Delete text from cursor position until end of word. Delphi 5 and up. Incremental search. Delphi 5 and up. Delete current line. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke buffer window when focus is on editor. The buffer window shows a list of all different tabs. Delphi 2. 00. 7 and up. Ctrl Shift G. Insert a new GUID at the cursor position. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift I. Indent the current selected block. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift U. Unindent the current selected block. Delphi 5 and up. Indent the current selected block or current line in case of no selection. Delphi 5 and up. Unindent the current selected block or current line in case of no selection. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift J. Invoke Sync. Edit. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Shift V. Automatically declare variable at cursor position. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Shift Y. Delete to the end of line. Delphi 5 and up. Match pair forward. Delphi 5 and up. Match pair backward. Delphi 5 and up. Alt Right. Arrow. Browse forward hotlink history. Delphi 6 and up. Alt Left. Arrow. Browse backward hotlink history. Delphi 6 and up. Browse to symbol under editor cursor invoke a hotlink and add it to the hotlink history. Delphi 7, Borland Developer Studio 2. F4. Run program to current cursor position. Delphi 2 and up. Toggle breakpoint. Delphi 2 and up. Debugger step into. Delphi 2 and up. Trace into next source line. Delphi 5 and up. Debugger step over. Delphi 2 and up. Run until return. Delphi 5 and up. Run program under debugger. Delphi 2 and up. Delphi 5 and up. Evaluatemodify. Delphi 2. Delphi 5 and up. Delphi 2 and up. Goto line number in editor. Delphi 2 and up. Goto line number in editor. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift R. Startstop recording editor macro. Delphi 2 and up. Ctrl Shift P. Play editor macro. Delphi 2 and up. Ctrl Spacebar. Invoke code completion. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift Spacebar. Invoke code parameter hints. Delphi 5 and up. Open file at cursor. Delphi 2 and up. Ctrl Shift Enter. Find all references. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Ctrl Shift C. Invoke class completion for the class that currently contains the cursor. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift Up. Arrow. Navigate to method implementationdeclaration. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift Down. Arrow. Navigate to method implementationdeclaration. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift 1 9. Set a bookmark at current row in the source. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Go to a bookmark row in the source. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Ctrl Alt F1. 2. Opens the drop down on the top right corner of the code editor, listing all open files. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Alt Mouse Wheel. Navigate to previous or next method implementation in lexical order in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using CtrlQL. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Alt Up. Arrow. Navigate to previous method implementation in lexical order in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using CtrlQL. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Alt Down. Arrow. Navigate to next method implementation in lexical order in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using CtrlQL. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Alt Home. Navigate to the lexically first method implementation in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using CtrlQL. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Alt End. Navigate to the lexically last method implementation in this source unit, or within the class to which scope has been limited using CtrlQL. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Alt P. Activate the Tool Palette in filtering mode start typing, press Enter to drop component. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Adds current date to source code. Toggle comment per line or selected block and cursors goes down one line, Ctrl on nordic and perhaps other international keyboards. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Ctrl Shift T. Add todo list item. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Toggle between Form as text mode or design mode. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Use unit dialog. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Open Project Dialog. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Ctrl Alt F1. 1. Invoke Project manager window. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Invoke Object Inspector window. Delphi 5 and up. Toggle between code view and design view. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Window list. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Shift Alt F1. Invoke Structure window. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Ctrl Shift B. Invoke Browser window. Invoke Breakpoint window. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Call Stack window. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Watches window. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Local Variables window. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Threads window. Dreambox Control Center Chip. Delphi 7 and up. Invoke FPU window. Delphi 2. 00. 5removed from Delphi 2. Invoke CPU window. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Event window. Delphi 5 and up. Invoke Modules window. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Invoke Forms window. Delphi 5 and up. Ctrl Shift A. Invoke Add to uses clauseFind unit in Delphi 2. Refactoring. Delphi 2. Ctrl Shift F1. Invoke Project Options window. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Compile Project. Delphi 5 and up. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Invoke Add to project window. Delphi 5 and up. Shift Ctrl F9. Run without debugging. Delphi 2. 00. 5 and up. Delphi 3 and up. Shift Ctrl F. Delphi 3 and up. Previousnext result for Find in Files and Build Error Messages. Delphi 7 and up. Changes a word to lowercase and deselects selection. Delphi 5 and up. Changes a word to uppercase and deselects selection. Delphi 5 and up. Changes a word to lowercase. Delphi 5 and up. Changes a word to uppercase. Delphi 5 and up. Delphi 5 and up. Toggles Code folding between On and Off. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Code folding Expands All blocks of code. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Code folding Collapse current block of code. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Code folding Expand current block of code. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Code folding Toggle Current block expand collapse. Code folding Collapses all regions region comment. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Code folding Collapse nested procedures. Code folding Collapse all methods. Code folding Collapse all classes. Code folding Collapses down to primary Groups InterfaceImplementation. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Code folding Collapses NamespaceUnit. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Switch to the next open file in the editor. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Switch to the previous open file in the editor. Delphi 2. 00. 6 and up. Invokes print selection dialog. Delphi 5 and up. Invokes Write block to fileselected text. Delphi 5 and up. Invokes Read block from fileinserts text at cursor. Delphi 5 and up. Copies selected text at the end of the selection. Delphi 5 and up. Select word at cursor position. Delphi 5 and up. Turns on block selection mode. Delphi 5 and up. Selects current line and turns off block selection mode. Delphi 5 and up. Toggles between limiting the CtrlAlt navigation shortcuts to the current class, or limiting it to the current unit. Borland Developer Studio 2. Ctrl Q W. Go to next item of Messages window. Delphi 5 and up. Switches between source.