Consulting Proposal Template Word

Consulting-Project-Proposal-Template.jpg' alt='Consulting Proposal Template Word' title='Consulting Proposal Template Word' />Request for Proposal Template Free RFP Template. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TEMPLATE1. Fcb%3D1273628101' alt='Consulting Proposal Template Word' title='Consulting Proposal Template Word' />Consulting Proposal Template WordSummary and Background. This section of the Request for Proposal RFP should provide a high level description of what the request for proposal is for and the purpose of the requirement. It may provide background information of the organization requesting proposals as well. Most of the requirement details will be included in subsequent sections of the document. This request for proposal template provides an example of the summary and background section below. Ace Consulting is currently accepting proposals to develop, design, launch, and host a new corporate web site. The existing Ace Consulting web site was developed and launched in 2. In an effort to achieve more wins from clients via the corporate web site, Ace Consulting has determined that a new platform is needed which is more user friendly and allows for improved interaction among potential clients. The purpose of this Request for Proposal RFP is to solicit proposals from various candidate organizations, conduct a fair and extensive evaluation based on criteria listed herein, and select the candidate who best represents the direction Ace Consulting wishes to go. Ace Consulting is a small business that was founded in 1. Our client base consists of other small and medium sized businesses as well as local, state, and federal government organizations which lack project management experience and expertise. Editable Proposal Template. Download. Sample Investment Proposal Template. Download. Cleaning Proposal Template in Word. Download. Investment Proposal Template. Uniform Invoice Software is a flexible invoicing software program that uses Excel invoice templates as its frontend, and connects the template with database to offer. Traditional Plan A list of helpful links for members in the traditional plan. Active Members Links to active member information for the traditional plan. Collection of free Word, Excel and Publisher Templates. StructureAll Ltd. StructureAll Ltd. Yellowknife, Northwest. Consulting Proposal Template Word' title='Consulting Proposal Template Word' />Ace Consulting is consolidated in its headquarters in Washington, D. C. with some consultants traveling to and working from client sites on a temporary basis. Our services include Project and Program Management all phasesProcess Improvement. Human Capital Resource Management. Project and Program Management Training small scale2. Proposal Guidelines. This section of the Request for Proposal should provide a description of what each responding organizations proposal should contain. F1 2012 Flt Patch 11 there. It should also include a timeline within which all proposals must be submitted. Any requirements that must be included in each proposal should be described in detail in this section of the RFP. Below, an example of the proposal guidelines is provided in this template. This Request for Proposal represents the requirements for an open and competitive process. Proposals will be accepted until 5pm EST August 3. Any proposals received after this date and time will be returned to the sender. All proposals must be signed by an official agent or representative of the company submitting the proposal. If the organization submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the proposal. Additionally, all costs included in proposals must be all inclusive to include any outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations being contracted. All costs must be itemized to include an explanation of all fees and costs. Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning bidder for this RFP. All contractual terms and conditions will be subject to review by Ace Consulting legal department and will include scope, budget, schedule, and other necessary items pertaining to the project. Project Purpose and Description. This part of the Request for Proposal Template provides the purpose and description of the project or work to be performed in as much detail as possible. In order for companies to submit accurate proposals, they need the details of exactly what work needs to be performed and the purpose of the work. The purpose of the work is important because sometimes bidders may be able to provide different but more effective solutions. This RFP template provides an example of the project purpose and description below. The purpose of this project is as follows Ace Consultings current web site was implemented in 2. Additionally, the site has not been effective in achieving wins for the company as it is often difficult to navigate and to find more information on various services. Ace Consulting believes that by using current web based technologies and a more effective site design, we can provide our clients and potential clients with more information, a more user friendly environment, and achieve more wins from prospective clients. Project Description Ace Consulting is seeking a provider to utilize the latest web based technology to create a web site that is user friendly, simple to use, provides detailed information about our services and offerings, and is easy to add or modify content. The site design should incorporate the latest key word search practices and maximize searchability in all current internet search engines. The finished web site must allow Ace Consultings IT group to easily manipulate the layout and content in order to allow for frequent changes in the dynamic environment in which we work where things constantly change. The web site design and layout should be aesthetically pleasing, simple for users to navigate, provide descriptions of all Ace Consulting services, management biographies, and contact information. The site must also be completely secure against intrusion. Descargar Diccionario Rae Para Ebook here. The site should also allow users to submit their contact information in order to be added to our list of potential clients to receive regular updates and new developments. Additionally, the site should include a page which lists current job offerings within Ace Consulting and descriptions of our benefits and hiring process in order to improve our ability to attract talented employees. Project Scope. While the project description provides bidders with general information about the project, this part of the Request for Proposal template includes details of what exactly is required for the project as well as what is not included as part of the project. In addition to the description of the project, this section of the RFP template details any additional work required to achieve the desired result i. The scope of this project includes all design, development, coding, licensing, and hosting of Ace Consultings new web site. All text and copy will be provided to the selected bidder by Ace Consultings marketing department for inclusion in the design of the new web site. The selected bidder will be responsible for planning and conducting a thorough market research portfolio with assistance from Ace Consultings marketing group. This portfolio will analyze all current contacts and determine target demographics for future and potential clients. The following criteria must be met to achieve a successful project Visually and aesthetically pleasing web site design. User friendly environment that is easy to navigate. Consistency of design across all pagessections of the web site in a design theme that fits targeted market segmentsAbility to migrate current web content to new web site. Site can be changedmodified easily by Ace Consulting personnel with minimal effort. All software and licensing requirements should be included as part of this project. Site should be searchable with on key word searches based on site content. Prominent display of Ace Consulting corporate logo, company mission, vision, and strategy throughout all pages of the web site. Site should be compatible with all current web browsing technology and easily upgradeable.